Internet contains unimaginable amounts of data. So how hard it would be to track down you? And how to find what data is there about you on the internet? Full article
Recently Microsoft has revealed that it is expanding the coverage of “right to be forgotten” mechanism in Europe. Microsoft will now use location signals such as IP addresses to delist URLs on all versions of its search engine Bing. If someone in France successfully requests delisting of a URL on Bing, in addition to delisting […]
The problem now is wide reuse of the same password for different services, as it is much easier for people than to remember tens of different passwords. However, reuse of passwords may lead to bad consequences – hack of one account may allow attacker to accesses also other accounts. Reuse of passwords was reason for recent […]
There are tech companies out there selling spy tools to governments. Those tools let governments to spy on their citizens. Actually, everyone can by spy tools if they can afford them. And there is no check on who’s buying those tools and how they are used. Full article