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About me

Atis Gailis

Law and tech

I am an European Union based privacy lawyer interested in modern tech and design. 

I worked for government, bank and international fintech companies helping them to create and understand regulation of data protection, e-commerce, electronic documents, crafting contracts, service terms and conditions, privacy policies, doing legal research and more.

My legal experience is more than 20 years. 

At the moment I am focused on data protection. That is where both my legal and tech knowledge helps a lot. 

Web and design

Besides law I have a great experience in web and design. I understand software development and online business well. It helps me understand business needs better. I do enjoy creating websites and no-code apps myself.

Since 1995 I’ve spent most of my life online. Internet fascinated me as free and open platform for everyone. It surprised me how easy it is to communicate with other people all around the world and share your thoughts and information. While lot has changed since then, I am still strong believer if free speech and openness (open software, open knowledge – you name it)!

Startups and networking

I am an active participant in start-up and meet-up scene. So, if you you need help with your start-up project, want more info on startups Riga or Latvia where I am based, or you would like to join me in any of my projects, feel free to contact me.

Contact Me

Your opinions are important to me. Whether it is a simple question or a valuable suggestion, I am listening. You can call me by phone or email directly.


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