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This post will be more for myself. As a point of reference, or line of thought.

Recently I decided to make changes to my online appearance – what and how I tell people about myself and what I share with others. You see, I love a lot of things in my life – photography, law, building websites, drawing, travel, and design. They are kind of not closely related, so I treated them separately, had a separate websites and social media accounts to cover those topics. But then I realized – they do relate through me. They are part of who I am. I am not just a lawyer, or a photographer, or geek, or wannabe internet entrepreneur – I am all of those things.

Therefore I decided to embrace them all together. And share with others – I mean you.

One website to rule them all

So I am slowly bringing all my work to this website – it will be mix of things I like. Will see how it goes. But the benefits I see from such move are (or should be – will find out):

  • People will know me better – not just one part of me.
  • Hopefully people who follow me because of one topic will get interested in other things I like and do, too.
  • Less work to maintain websites and social media accounts. That actually takes so much time!
  • More time to create as I will be spending less on maintenance tasks.
  • I hope it will help me get wider audience and better SEO for this website, too.

Getting all together includes also Latvian site – I am bringing it along, too. Again, – less work for maintenance and more time for creating stuff. Plus new experience in creating complex multi lingual sites. Will be some tinkering around WordPress, but I love it.

However, some projects will remain separate, as they are –,,, and perhaps, too. They are projects – specific topics or stuff I work on, hoping they will be useful for others and maybe others will join in developing them.

Side note: If you interested in or wish to participate in any of my projects, just drop me a note!


I’ve also created a newsletter to share my thoughts, what I work on, what I read or find interesting. No fluff or selling. Just pure sharing of useful – at least in my opinion – information. And hope for discussion. Actually, while being introvert, I am lacking good discussion around interesting topics. Not just the one in comments under blog posts but personal. Person to person. have any ideas? Let’s connect!

So, got you hooked? (I really hope I do!) If so, join my newsletter!